Inglés en USA Learning English at LCI

Hello LCI guest!

Welcome to our blog where we will be discussing this week’s activities at LCI Language Center in Houston, Texas. 

This week we did not let the rain bring us down, in fact, we decided to have a popcorn mixer for our students in the LCI lobby. We had Butter, Caramel, Kettle Corn, and Spicy flavored popcorn for the students to choose from and decide which was their favorite. This delicious mixer encouraged our students to discuss which was their favorite and why. The administrative team could hear Denisse Lenoor in level 7 state “My least favorite is the spicy, I do not like the taste.” Even though spicy was not Denisse’s Favorite, it made the teachers smile to hear her speak English well with her peers. Learning a new language can be challenging, but we like to find the fun in learning as well. Plus, who does not like popcorn?! In case you were wondering, caramel was the official favorite flavor. 😉

We also had an award ceremony for our returning students that was also held in the LCI Lobby due to rain. Seeing everyone smiling and eagerly awaiting to hear if their name was called made us proud. The awards varied from perfect attendance, to rising star and taking initiative. Some students were completely shocked when their name was called, and we could see them smiling at their award long after the ceremony had finished. Yes, incentives can go a long way with anyone, but we also want our students to see we recognize the hard work and dedication they are putting into learning a new language. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” 

Thank you for reading, feel free to leave comments below!

Written by:

Amy Andrade

Student Service Coordinator

LCI Language Center

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