Learning English in USA

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting a US F-1 Student Visa

If you are coming to the United States primarily to study and if your course of study is 18 hours or more per week, you will need a student visa, also known as an F-1 visa. At LCI Language Centers, we receive many questions about the F-1 student visa process. For your convenience, this post […]

English Grammar Lessons

Common English Mistakes: Questions and Negative Sentences

Not all languages form questions and negative sentences the way we do in English. In English, we must add the auxiliary (helping) verb “do.” This confuses many non-native speakers when they start learning English. For that reason, incorrectly forming questions and negatives is a very common English mistake. Sentences in Simple Present  This English grammar lesson will concentrate on the […]

Learning English in USA Study University USA

Want to Study Aviation in the United States as an International Student?

Are you an international student looking to study aviation in the United States? Whether you want to become an airplane pilot, aircraft mechanic, aircraft dispatcher or flight attendant, hundreds of specialized degrees and certificate programs are available across the US. If you’re not a native English speaker, you may be required to submit a score from […]

Inglés en USA Learn English in Denver Learn English in Houston Learning English in USA

Institutos de inglés en destinos económicos en EE.UU.

Muchos estudiantes internacionales estudian inglés en las ciudades más conocidas de EE. UU. como Nueva York, Boston, San Francisco y Los Ángeles. Aunque estos son excelentes destinos, también pueden ser muy caros. Ambos centros de inglés de LCI están ubicados en ciudades modernas con un costo de vivir bastante más barato: Denver, Colorado y Houston, Texas. […]

Learn English in Denver Learn English in Houston Learning English at LCI Learning English in USA

American English Schools in Affordable US Cities

Many international students study at American English schools in major destinations like New York, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles. While these are great US cities, they can also be very expensive. Both LCI English schools are in US locations with a cost of living that is substantially cheaper: Denver, Colorado and Houston, Texas. This makes it easier for international […]